Get puppy supplies for your little best friend in the Parma, ID area

Keep Your Puppy Smelling Fresh

Puppy breath and pet dander can make even the most excitable, loveable furry bundle of joy tough to be around. To help you keep your pup smelling fresh and looking great, Sand Hollow Doodles offers products from Earthbath in the Parma, ID area. Their great line of puppy supplies includes natural soap for pets and more to help you keep your pup fresh and healthy.

If you have any questions about Earthbath’s puppy supplies, contact us today.

Helping you find the perfect soap for your pup

When you get your puppy, we’ll send you a sample of Earthbath’s natural soap for pets and a coupon to pick up more down the road. Earthbath’s excellent natural products help puppies stay clean, safe and healthy while preventing bad smells.

Would you like to try soap from Earthbath? We’ll help you find the right option. Reach out to us today to learn more about your options.

A little girl is holding a brown and white puppy
The earthbath logo is on a white background.

Click on logo to learn more about earthbath and their products!

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